Our Membership Group is growing and delivering even more content, we meet every Thursday at 9am – 9.30am on zoom speaking about different topics to help you and your business grow.
What makes the NOBS community different from other groups?
This is what Caroline and I have been asking ourselves and others - we came up with...
⭐ 30 minutes packed with Training, Coaching, Accountability, Auditing all around your Personal Brand plus once a month Networking and Guest Speakers
⭐ We share each other’s ups and downs and we build authentic relationships with like-minded people
⭐ We know each other's names and individual stories
⭐ We use our personal experience and insight to help each other
⭐ We are an international community of small business owners
⭐ You’re never on your own.
⭐ You receive a one-to-one coaching session that’s tailored to your own personal situation
⭐ Not free on a Thursday morning to attend live? No worries everything is recorded and members have access to the replays in our Hub!
✅ Monthly Networking Sessions (Last Thursday of each month)
Begin forging your own powerful network of small business owners with our monthly networking sessions. Hone your networking skills in a friendly environment and build authentic relationships with people who care.
In each session, take the opportunity to get to know others in the group and have a smaller breakout room
✅ 3 X Training Sessions per Month with Q&A
Benefit from live training sessions every week. These sessions cover all aspects of your business. From managing social media platforms, online visibility, and Personal Brand to work/life balance and time-keeping skills, each session is streamlined to make your business thrive.
At the end of each session, there is an opportunity for you to ask questions and receive immediate responses from me and the rest of the group.
✅ Monthly Guest Speakers
Because obviously we don't know it all! - so we find some great experts in their field who will be able to offer insights and help into subjects that will help you grow your confidence, change your mindset, give you self awareness and help you understand where you are unique and how you communicate that.
✅ Accountability Sessions
Every two months, we have an accountability week. The whole community supports one another in taking action. You can have as much information as you like. But it isn’t worth anything if you don’t act on it.
Accountability is a powerful tool for making things happen in your life. And it is a crucial step in building a rewarding business.
✅ Online Support Via Our Facebook and LinkedIn Groups
The beauty of the NOBS community is that there’s always someone there to help. You can reach out to other members via the No B.S. Just Brand Secrets Facebook group. This is where you’ll go to enjoy round-the-clock support from other members. This is where we make things happen.
✅ Audit Sessions
Have you met your goals in the last 8 weeks? Every two months, we’ll review your business growth to help you stay accountable. You’ll even get a grade at the end.
Each member also has the opportunity to have a 1-2-1 session with Sally. We use this time to get to know one another, set goals for the future, review tasks in the present, and establish a firm foundation on which to build your business.
✨ A new training video is added to our library EVERY WEEK
✨ Benefit from our catalogue of training videos (70+)
✨ They cover all different aspects of running a small business.
✨ They give you the resources you need to live a rewarding life. And grow your business confidently.
✨ The videos are organised and easily referable for your convenience. And there’s even a checklist so you can keep track of what you’ve watched and what you haven’t.
If this has wetted your appetite and you would like to know more just click below to be taken to more information
If you'd just like a chat with me
Love Sally x
Sally Inkster
Finding Brand YOU!
What's a personal Brand?
''It's who you are, your values and beliefs and the ENERGY you bring to all you do''
Sally is THE go to person for weekly training, networking, self study or one to one coaching; to help you Build Your Personal Brand and share your authentic self with the world.